Tentang saya: *********************** AMELIERACHELMOREAU™ ************************ **** Is Trademarked, So No One Can Steal My Real Name On Any Site **** ***** All of My Photos, Videos and Art are Protected by DMCA Pro L2 **** **** My Writings, Blogs, Status and Posts are Dated or Copyrighted © **** "To Love is Nothing" "To be Loved is Something" "But to Love and Be Loved is Everything" * Hebrew * Shalom, I'm Amélie, My Sister, Esmée, Calls Me "Pookie". You Can Call Me that If You Want To. "Amélie" or "Pookie", is just Fine with Me. Everyone else, I know, calls Me the "SPOILED BRAT" !! And for Documented Reasons !! The Made up Arizona License Plate in this Photo, says so !! Arizona 2023 My Girlfriend for more than 5 Years. Lia's, 2023 Cadillac Escalade ESV V Series in Arizona. After My Sex Work near the Phoenix area. We went out to the Desert areas, to take Erotic Photos. She has been My Main Squeeze for all of that time. Next to My Oldest Friend, Gisse's, Husband, Liam. We have the exact same taste in Autos. Even Had Time to Play Golf later that Week. Actually just Played around generally. If You get My Drift !! But, all of the Students in My Online Classes, here, must call Me, "Ms. Moreau". They better call Me that, or Detention with Ms. Moreau, after Class !! Which every one of Them wants to get !! I'm a Passionate - Emirati - Florida - Israeli - Kenyan - New York – St. John USVI - Wyoming Porn Star - Ranch Manager - Companion, and All Around Talented Sex Worker. A, COCK SUCKING, PUSSY EATING, FUCKING, JEWISH, JEZEBEL, MADE FOR ONE PURPOSE, CUNT !!!! Now , all of that that is a Mouthful, so to Speak !! I am on this Site and all of My Others, Simply for the Fact, that I want to Share My Life Story, Express and Show My Creativity, with My Videos and Photos. Some of Them are from My Modeling work, Later in My life. I am Not on Any of These Sites to get Rewards, Rankings, Or to Collect Likes, Whatsoever. And or to be, I hate the Term, an Influencer. Moreover, I am Super Nerdy. You will see that throughout My Profile. So much so, that even during My Earlier Sex Work. I worked very hard to earn a Degree in Engineering. I have 4 Homes in the United States A 100 Acre Farm, which I live, roughly, Half of the Year. Somewhat close to Cape Vincent, Upstate NY. In a much Smaller Home than the one in Wyoming or Florida or the USVI. It is so Small, that You have to go outside of it, just to change Your Mind. So far up North in the Eastern US. That Santa Claus knows Me Intimately. And Please don't tell Mrs. Claus about Us. Part of My land is on Lake Ontario. The other Half of the Year I live in My Newest Home, on 50 Acres, near Jackson Hole, Wyoming House is bit over the top for Me. I Prefer Smaller Homes, like the one in NY. But it is not My only over the top Home I own. But it was a Gift from Someone very Special. My Girlfriend Gisse's Husband. The 2 of Them own an Investment Firm outside of NYC. She might as well Divorce Him and have Him, Marry Me. We do way more together than She ever Does. Just like a Husband and Wife. An Update, as of, 3.1.2024. Gisse has Divorced Liam. What a Surprise !! Fucking Dollar Hungry CUNT. My Bent is not that much as Her. But try to learn new things always. So now, as, predicted. I am with Liam also. We have had sex for 40 years together, so it makes sense to be together, most of the time. I do Love Him to Pieces. Though I will still get to do exactly what I want to do. Quoting Veronica from Archie Comics: "What Do I Care as Long as I Get to Do What I Want Too". And FUCK Gisse, Big Time !! BITCH !! Though that I will still Do. She and I have Earthshattering Sex together !! She tends more towards Lesbianism than I do. So be it. I am going to be in Wyoming for quite awhile. Due to the fact that I have been trained and have taken over Operations of My current Boyfriends, Large Ranch. Not to mention, I am now a Wyoming Porn Star (Just Kidding)!!. A Wyoming Fence I still have a Home in Nairobi, Kenya. One in Vero Beach Florida. And this one in St. John, USVI. I Use Them Very little, these Days. I am an Ex Professional Porn Star, but I am still a Professional Model. I am very much requested, Worldwide, for various Photo Shoots. Even in My Ancient Decrepitude. Early in My life to Age 21, I was the One and Only Sex Worker for My Girlfriend, Gisse. Videos and other forms of Sex Work. Age 20 and doing My Best in an Old Video. My Blindfold Thing. Sense it without Looking, Makes it Outstanding. I was the obvious choice. My Looks and Body was the deciding factor for Us. No overhead at all, for Me to worry about. I was rewarded well, back then. We became very well off, back in the 1980's, besides other Ventures We had. I never, ever, did I do other things I shouldn’t, 99.9% of the time. Only occasionally on My few days off. I was not allowed too, by Gisse, at all, to do any of that, anyways, while Working. I Worked 24/7, for about 16 hours, every Day. Even Fucking Holidays !! Pretty Much Zero Sleep. The Super Tramp I was then. Not My Finest Hour at All !! But in the long run. All of the investments I made, since then, have made Me totally Independent. And the ones from My Work, later on, added even more so. I was always Genuine and Passionate, to all I Met. Any Blowjob I ever gave, I always swallowed it all. The Nectar of life. What is the point of doing anything. If You do not have a complete Passion for it. And the Desire to Physically Feel it !! As You see in My Interests, one of them is Kissing. My first Sexual experience, was when My girlfriend Gisse and I started out practicing Kissing. Her and I were both Blossoming For about a Year We held each other close and Kissed each other all of the time. And also My younger Sister, Esmée, later on. We had a very close relationship, then, and still do. Esmée is 4 Years, My junior. Even Though She is My Junior. We have a pretty Hardcore relationship. She loves to do all sorts of things to Me before the fun starts. This is just one photo of what I endure from Her. I spend hours on end just staying like that, before I get any relief from Her. Needles and other things in My nipples are pretty Hardcore and very hard not to cry out. Hence the Ball Gag to prevent that. I call Her collection of Gags, The Jawbreakers. Hard Rubber with Zero give. She has one that is 3 1/2 inches in diameter and my Jaw feels it for weeks on end. The worst part is that I am blindfolded and do not know what to expect to happen to My Nipples or other parts of My body. When She puts needles in I start to shake and then She holds Me in place by grabbing one Nipple extremely hard to hold Me in place. They get worse as far as the soreness increase rapidly, as I try to move around. Sometimes She uses Forceps and clamps them so securely, I can't move at all, too much to tolerate, especially with Me trying to struggle around to change My position or pull away. My nipples feel it all the time now, erect and over sensitive from now on. And I doubt will they will never not be that way. Makes Me squirm just thinking about the the poor things and what they undergo. Yikes !! She makes Me wait like that until She feels that I am submissive enough to do what She wants Me to do to pleasure Her. So, Later on Gisse and I started to explore each other’s bodies and inevitably fell in Love and became Sexual partners. That imprint of Our Kissing and then later on becoming Lovers, lasts to this day. Part of the reason that I am Bisexual. Now I have gone back to being a Sex Worker, again. A Sex Worker for a few Days, a week, or a lot longer. I purely missed it. And recently I have again become a Professional Porn Star in Wyoming. I have not been Professional since 2015. My Work Vehicle for My Sex Work, In the Eastern Side of the USA mostly. The Fake License Plate , pretty much says it all about Me !!. The Pinelands, New Jersey As a Sex Worker, Men are not just looking entirely for Sex. They are looking for something else. They are Either wanting to act out a Fantasy. Or They are looking for Companionship or They are wanting to be seen with a Well-Dressed Woman. Or They want Someone to Listen to Them. Sometimes to have a Companion again after Loss. What I am Doing is no Different from what 99% percent of American Women are taught to do. And What Fun I have, making an Outstanding Meal for them, beyond Me as the Main Course, obviously. I get all sorts of different Perks from Them, Sometimes Gifts and or other Forms of Appropriate Strokes. And some of the Time, I get some other needs just for Me, fulfilled. I love the Adventure of it All, and the Constant Change of People and Places and Experiences. What I see, and the Things that I can Experience, are pure Heaven. Feeds My Soul and Intoxicates My Mind. There is no Valuation on that Blessing, at all. I am also taking on a lot of Modeling Work, recently. Tons of Requests on My Model account, that I have put off doing. I still can get quite a lot for it. It allows Me and My Roommate to do all sorts of Things that We Desire to do independently, with the Salary I can Make. In This Passion Play, I am the Breadwinner. Please do not think of Me as Full of Myself. I am very down to Earth, I try very hard to be just that. The Pinelands, New Jersey <div> I started Acting Professionally, in the Porn Films Industry, at age 21 Years old, in France. Then at age 32 Years old, throughout all of the Middle East. I Ended My Professional Career, at the time, in the Porn Films Industry, in NY State, at the age of 48 Years old. 27 Years in total as a Porn Star. All on Top of My Normal Work as an FA and or for SkyCargo Logistics at the time. Now I am again a Professional Porn Star and adding to that count. Even though I was a Professional Porn Star at Vixen Films LTD, Israel, later in My Career , and also at many other Studios, before, throughout, France, the Middle East and NY State. I have ended up doing Stand in Work, These Days, for various Porn Creators. Outtake Rehearsals, You could call it. I still command a lot for My Stand in work, even in My Ancient Decrepitude. Setup work and Physical Sex Demonstrations for a Multitude of Video Producers and Actors. Mostly Amateurs. It helps to set up the Scenes to be Filmed for the Producers and Directors. A Type of Storyboarding for Porn Productions. I have Actual Sexual Undertakings with the Actors, (Male or Female), for the Cameras or Crew. Currently, I am on 100+ Porn Sites Worldwide, and counting. Most are linked back to My main ones automatically by the Site Admins for promotional value. It is My Professional Work, occasionally, but mostly My Amateur Videos, on them. I now Edit the Video Tracks, Create Titles, and I am the IT Manager, amongst other Duties, for Vixen Films LTD. In conjunction with making My Own Amateur Videos on the Side. Being a Professional Porn Star at one point in My Life, Made, all of the Israeli Citizens, very Proud of Me !!. I am Made in Israel after all !! Thanks to all of Them, for Their Support !!. Eilat, Israel My only Vacation in quite a long time. 2020 </div><div><div style="text-align: center;">On Some Sites, I Am Still on top as an Amateur Porn Star, for The State of Israel and many of </div>the Arabic Countries, Africa and even Fucking India !!. On all of My Social Media Sites, 28 in Total. I am, More than 80% Popular, In all of those Countries !!. Even Iran, Palestine, Lebanon, Etc. Shoutout to Allah, Benjamin, Buddha, David, Jesus, and Kokopelli, Et Al !! I am planning eventually to become a Religious Studies Teacher, in the UAE and Kenya in the near Future. The Bible, All Versions, the Quran, and the Torah to start with. Along with all of the other Scriptures and Religions, I can think of. It is not that I am at all Religious. And I am not going to Proselytize at all. Or even that I feel that I have to Repent. Yeah, Right !! Even though I was raised as a Hasidic Jew, mostly in NYC. I just Love Old History, and Stories, passed down, from all of Mankind. And how to Interpret Them, Accordingly and as Clearly as Possible. I am also taking Online Classes to Teach Adobe Applications to Students. So, as our Wise Sages say, “Repent one day before You are gone.” "And what should You do if You don’t know which Day that will be?" "Repent Today". I have a lot of Repenting Ahead of Me. You Think !! So, Let Me start My story. I Was Born In Tel Aviv, Israel, on November, 7th, 1966. I Grew Up in The New York City Area. English is My Native Tongue, I Speak and Write, French, Hebrew, Arabic and A Little Hawaiian. Bear with Me on that last one. I Am a 100%, Natural Born, Not Of My Making, JEWISH, FUCKING, JEZEBEL. My Grandmother was the Same. It is in Our Genes or in Our Jeans. And, Like Jezebel, "By Manipulation and Seduction, I Misled the Saints of God into, Sins of Idolatry and Sexual immorality". This Photo is towards the End of Summer. I am 30 Years old and on vacation from My job in France. NY Late 1996 I was 1st a Flight Attendant, in the beginning, an Instructor later, Then SkyCargo Logistics for Rest of My Career. From when I was 21 years old, to 41 Years old, My Career was completely in Transport Services. It was not My first Job, though, Plenty of others in the past, kept Me busy. But for most of My Twenty Year Career in Transportation, after being an FA. I eventually became the Head Trouble Shooter for Sky Cargo Logistics. I worked for 2 Different Carriers, One in France, and the other in the UAE. Air France/KLM/Martinair and Emirates SkyCargo. I was offered multiple times My salary to work in the UAE and I took it. Some of names I was called, by Everyone in My Career Field: "The Cockpit Queen" Cockpit, for sure !! "Juice Kicker" "A Layover !!" "An Air Mattress !!" "R and R" !! "Screw Scheduled" !!, (Crew Scheduling) "Turbulence" !! And so on and so on !! My answer to everybody, always was, Quoting Mae West, "It's Going To Be A Bumpy Ride, Please Fasten Your Seat Belt or Belts !!" Depending on How many People were involved with Me at the time. ************* So, Let's "Kick The Tires And Light The Fires !!" ************** ************************** "CUM FLY WITH ME" *************************** My, Late Model, 2019, TXTAV, Beechcraft, King Air C90 GTx. Upgraded to Raisbeck Engineering's EPIC Package. I have an IFR License, A Twin Turbine Engine Rating and a BE 300 Certification for Single Pilot operation in the Beechcraft, King Air C90 GTx. I also have training at Flight Safety Intl, Wichita, Kansas. In a Level D Full Flight Simulator for, the Beechcraft C90 GTx. And training at the TRU Simulations Center for the Pro Line Fusion EFIS, Tampa, Florida. In the photo, below, I am changing the Display Mode to Airport Approach Procedures, to the right MFD, Multi Function Display, in a Split Screen view, before I land soon. My Plane has a Collins Aerospace, Pro Line Fusion EFIS, Electronic Flight Instrument System. 3 - 14" Touch Screen Displays. I am the PIC, Pilot in Command,, in the photo. I am always that. Just like I am always, Sexually, on Top !!. The 14" Displays are virtually interchangeable with each other. For Reduced Pilot Workload, I upgraded My plane to the IS and S, Thrust Sense Full Regime Auto Throttle System, Mid 2022. Hands Off Most of the time. I am over Florida in this Photo. "Americas Wang" Viewing the Airport Approach Chart, on My iPad. Or I am looking at the Photographer, instead. My main Electronic Flight Bag, is a ForeFlight - Performance Plus, Subscription, made by Boeing. And I have a Lot of Integrated Addons. In this next Photo. I am using the Joystick, with the Cursor Control, on the MKP/FMS, Multi-Function Keypad and Flight Management System, Connected to a Collins Aerospace IRT-2110, Iridium, SATCOM, Satellite Communications, Systems Transceiver. To display some information, from an In-Flight Data-Link Service. CPDLC, Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications. To one of the PFD's/MFD, Primary Flight Displays, or the Multi-Function Display, in Front of Me. Barefoot and Topless, Nipple Sticking Out !! You can see the Reflection of the Camera Flash on the Left Display. One of My favorite Tichel's, a Jewish Headscarf. A Silk Burberry Constellation Scarf. I use FANS 1/A, Future Air Navigation Systems. That is a Datalink System that lets Pilots and Air Traffic Control to communicate directly, using Digital Text Transmissions that appear on My PFD's/MFD. A later Standard that was developed to the ATC Facilities Notification Protocol. It Uses CPDLC and ADS-C, Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract. Which sends information, Aircraft position, Altitude, Speed, and Meteorological data, Etc. Automatically to ATC from the aircraft, when ATC has requested it. Pilots do not have to interact with ADS-C at all. Certainly not interacting like this !! Or Maybe They Need or Want too, have Me that Way !! I am not sure about that, at all. Data Comm/CPDLC/FANS are components of the FAA’s NextGen plans to upgrade the Nation’s aging Aviation infrastructure. Data Comm is the FAA’s, Federal Aviation Administrations, phrase for Digital, Text-Based Messaging, and it may eventually replace Voice Communication between ATC and Pilots. You need SATCOM, Satellite Communications, to use it. Some FMS's, Flight Management Systems, have a little Display above it. Mine is integrated with the PFD's/MFD. For instance, Some of the Functions that it can provide is the exchange of Communications and or, Clearance/Information/Request/Messages, that are Non-Urgent, without Verbal Communication Reduces the Probability of Miscommunication. Other uses for it include, Updated Weather, Wind, Multiple-Waypoint VNAV (Vertical Navigation), Enhanced Selection's on the Screens, Etc. Ohio So, You May Have Formed An Opinion Of Me Already, But I Am Not Entirely Like What I Have Described So Far. At The Homes That I Have, I Clean, Cook, Do Laundry and Take Care Of The Outsides All By Myself. I Just Don't Like Other People Fucking with My Shit. You Should See Me Doing My Chores, Wearing A Tichel ( A Jewish Orthodox Head Scarf ). On My Hands And Knees Cleaning Floors. Though I Am On My Hands And Knees For Other Reasons Too. I am Very Industrious And Pay Close Attention To Detail. I Get Up Every Day At 5 AM, worn out or not from the night before. Have To Set The Alarm In That Situation. I Am Even Pretty Handy With Tools. A Lot of The Guys That I Knew and Eventually Had Relations With, Later on, Were Carpenters or Auto Mechanics. When I would Hang Out with Them at Their Work, I Always Felt Like a Fifth Wheel. So, I Asked Them to let Me try it, Or at Least give Me something to Do. I Am Not Afraid Of Trying New Things And Or Physical Labor. I Have Framed Out Houses, Back Before Nail Guns were Commonly Used, with a Really Heavy, Big Ass, California Framing Hammer. Carried Plywood, 2x4's And Bundles of Shingles Up Ladders, That Seemed to Weigh More Than Me. I Got Really Greasy and My Knuckles Banged Up, More Than Once, working on All Types of Automobiles. I Guess in A Way I Was a Tom Boy then. After Becoming, Sweaty, Smelly, Greasy and Exhausted. I Absolutely Loved the downtime afterwards on The Jobsites. "Hey, where is that beer I keep hearing about" I Was Just Like One of The Guys. I felt really Needed and Loved Then. I Got a lot of My ideas about Sex, Just listening to Them talk about what They would do to So And So Person. I became a Woman very early on, and started having Sex with all of Them. At the very least, most Days of the Year. And I Was Smart Enough to Protect Myself from all sorts of Outcomes. After Listening to all of Their Stories, I Wanted to experience all of It. So that Is how I began to learn about all about the Different Types of Sexual Preferences out there. Cunnilingus, Doggy Style, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs. And Really Crude, It Was 1981 After All, Bondage. I Learned a Hell of a Lot and Still Use Some of The Same Techniques to This Day. </div><div><div style="text-align: center;"> </div>You most likely would Not Recognize Me at All, If You Saw Me on The Street. Completely Plain Looking, With My Tichel on, and I Blend Right In or Maybe Stand Out, these Days. To The Public, I Am Pretty Modest Looking. Just Like My Earlier Life In A Traditional Orthodox Household. I am Completely Respectful To Middle Eastern Culture And To My Heritage In That Sense. Though Nowadays Traditional Orthodox Dress Seems To Be Loosening Up , Somewhat. I do, these Days, dress a slight bit Fancier. So, Great Sex is like the Internal Combustion Engine. Just use the 4 Combustion Cycles. "Suck, Squeeze, Bang and Blow" *********************** "SO, LET'S GO FOR A RIDE" ************************ Not This Type of Ride !! But Automobiles, Silly Wabbits !! I really Love Mechanical Things. I guess I am a Gearhead in that sense. I own 16 Autos in total in the US and One Motorcycle. The 9 of them, that includes the Motorcycle, below, are in Upstate NY. In France I had a Ducati 900SS instead of a Car, to get around. So I got a Hot Rod Bike. I love to drive insanely fast. My 2012 Mini Cooper Coupe JCW, My 1st Sports Car. I Still Have It. Upstate NY 2019 And another, but highly Customized 2012 Mini Cooper Coupe JCW. Upstate NY 2022 And two More Sports Cars. A 2020 Lamborghini Aventador LP770-4 SVJ It was Given to Me, recently, (June 3rd, 2022), for Working My FUCKING ASS Off, physically and literally . By Someone, (Who shall remain Unnamed), from the Middle East. I for sure used My Best Shit I that have !! It was not what I usually do for a living entirely, Sex Work, whatsoever !! She is used, (Just Like Me), with only 1283 Miles on the Odometer. I have Way More Mileage than that in total !! She is still not broken in, like Myself !!. I Still Have Not Figured Out the Best Way How to Have Sex with Her, Yet. Though, I am Trying My Absolute Best !! Maybe a USB Dildo. The same the Way I Make Love to all of My Computers !! Or it could be a Double Sided Dildo, And Fuck Her in The Exhaust !! Onto My Knees again, I shall go Not Sure what is the best way Yet !! It is a Totally Passionate, Loving, Lesbian Relationship, for the Two of Us. 3 Vehicles are for use on My Farm in Upstate NY. 2 Older Trucks and One New One. A 2023 Jeep Gladiator, a 2005 Ford Econoline Van, no window version, and a 1999 Dodge RAM 3500, Cummins Turbodiesel, dually. Also assorted Tractors, A Turbocharged Kubota M8200, Enclosed, Narrow Wheelbase version, and other vehicles and Implements that You need on a Farm. My newest Vehicle, in Upstate NY, is a 2023 Cadillac Escalade ESV V-Series. 6.2L Supercharged V8 Engine, 682 HP and 0-60 MPH in 4.3 Seconds. I will most likely get the Electric Version when it CUM's out !! Second Year only, after all of the kinks are worked out. Lots of the Room in the Back, of My Escalade. You never know that Anyone might want to Fuck Me anywhere We are. I got a Custom made Bed System, from Space for Dreams, Dresden, Germany. It even has a Leveling System for when the back Seats are folded down and are unequal in height. I have 6 Autos in Wyoming and 3 in Kenya, Africa. In Wyoming I have a 2024 Chevrolet Corvette Z06. And a Green 2024 ESV V Series Cadillac Escalade. A Custom 2023 Ford F450 Platinum Super Duty. It is Cowboy Cuntry in Wyoming, after all, HaHaHa.....!! A Custom 2024 Jeep Wrangler 392 Hemi. A Custom 2013 Toyota FJ Cruiser, (XJ10). My Newest vehicle is a 2022 Custom Ford F650 Super Duty, ("The Earth Mover"). My 3 Land Rovers in Nairobi, Kenya. A 2022 Land Rover Defender 110. An Older Defender 110. And another Older Land Rover Defender 110. Damn, I have some Big Ass Tits. Now that I am Looking at these Photos of Me !! Fucking Zoftig !! Which means, Having a Full, Rounded figure; Pleasingly Plump, (Typically used for a Woman). That was then. I am pretty skinny now. There were plenty of Spectators during some of these Photo Shoots. Hey, They got a Free Show !! Had to change in a Van, a Shitload of Times !! In those situations I am not Self Conscious or Shy at all. Unlike My normal Personality. I always Drive in Lingerie, It is truly Liberating !! Also I like to Watch all the Other People on the Road, after seeing Me, Crash into Each Other !! Just Kidding. So, One of My Absolute Joys. Is Cooking for Dates, Seafood, French Style. Which Is One of My Down Right Passions and with a Bottle of Vintage French Champagne, to top it off. I can Cook or Bake just about anything. My Favorite Memories are Saturday Date Nights, A Candlelit Dinner and with Me Preparing the meal. No One Else In The World But Us, Heaven !! Saturday Date Night in Upstate NY 2021 **************** Now To The Reason Why I Am On Here! ***************** Quote: " In early 2007, a group of Anonymous Individuals Decided to Create a New Adult Video Service and xH*mster was Launched on April 2nd, 2007. xH*mster was Envisioned as a Social Network. A Spokesperson said that the Site's Content Organization Scheme was Intended to Allow "People Who Wanted to Chat, Exchange Their Erotic Pictures and Share Their Amateur Videos" I Am Here To Tell My Uncensored Life Story And To Hear Yours Also. It My Catharsis For The Crazy Life I Have Led. As Opposed To some of the Other Sites I Am On, I Think Of It Like a Fbook, or Insta. Just Without The Puritanical Restrictions. I Love To Chat, Exchange Erotic Pictures With You And To Share My Amateur Videos !! I Try My absolute best, to Answer Each And Every Message I Get As Soon As Possible Though It Is Now 500+ A Day. They Are As Important To Me As They Are to You ! Please Tell Me About Yourself And I Will Tell You More About Myself. And We Will See Where It Goes From There !! I like Variety and Think of Myself as Easygoing, Creative, Compassionate and I am Not at all Judgemental. Unlike some other people on here. I will Never Judge You. If Your avatar is a Dick, or You have No Content. Or Your Profile is Empty or You are New. We are all Different and have Our own reasons to be on here. Hell, I collect photos of perfectly beautiful Hairy Pussies from everywhere. I Love and Cherish Life and I Try to Take Care of Myself, Except Maybe, For a Few Bad Habits. I Smoke 4, maybe 5, Dunhill's, a Day. I can also easily finish off a bottle of Vodka, all by Myself at night. No ice cubes at all. I like the taste of warm Vodka, next to CUM. Though I never do any of the above in strict Muslim Countries, ever !! Please take Note, That While I Am Not a 24/7 Complete Professional now, I do Like to FUCK a lot. Because , Well You Know Why !!!! You May Also Notice that I almost Always Wear Cuffs and a Blindfold, during Sex. Color coordinated now, always. I Find It works out to be Ready for Anything !! I Learned That The Hard Way. You May Also Notice I Like Getting Masturbated Standing Up. It Is Really Fucking Hard To Have An Orgasm In That Position. But I Love A Challenge! It's The One Pleasure, Sexually, That is All Mine Next To Anal Sex, I guess, that I Love to have, most recently. I Have Been Screwed Missionary Style For Way Too Long!! It is also Why I have to be on Top Sexually. Even After All Of This Lunacy, I Still Love to Make, And Of Course. Participate In My, now, Amateur Sex Videos. All of which are made at My Home Studio in Upstate NY. I end up having to fly Myself there to make some of the newer ones. I Am Only Showing The Soft Core Ones Here, Sorry. I Still Always Like To Be Photographed To This Day. I'm Now 56 years old going backwards. I Play With All My Media On My Home Built Computer in NY and others Worldwide. My Setup is: Two HP Z32x, 32" 4K Dream Color Monitors. The Same Type Of Monitors They Use To Make Motion Pictures in Hollywood. I have an overhead 50" 4K Monitor to see how the finished playback looks. Mounted on an Ergotron Full motion Arm. My Laptop Is an older HP EliteBook 8760w Workstation, Intel i7 Extreme, with a 17" 1080p Dream Color Screen. And an old HP ElitePad just for Fun. To the right is an old HP Z Station with a Xeon Processor. The one with the Tarantula is the one I built from scratch. Intel i9 Extreme, 16 core CPU, 128 GB's DDR 5 RAM, 4K GPU with 12 GB's GDDR 5 RAM , Discrete Soundcard with a dedicated DAC for Headphones and 96 TB's of Storage across 16 Hard Drives internally. The case Is a Red Anodized Aluminum, Lian Li. I Was Extremely Lucky To Get The Very Last New One On The Market, (only 400 made). It is a Really Fucking Large Case !! I Learned How To Build Computer Systems And How To Correctly Operate Them, By An Upper Executive, From a Very Large Chip Manufacturer In Silicon Valley. Where I Had An Affair With Him, For More Than 3 Years. I Lived In California, For most of That Time, Just To Be Close To Him. I Would Have Married Him, If He Had Left His Wife For Me, I Loved Him So Dearly. One Of A Few People I Ever Have Been With, Where I Was Passionately, In Love. Agonizingly, Heartbreaking To Deepest Depths Of My Soul. Another Terrible Period Of My Life. That I Will Never Get Over. So, One Of My Videos, That I Am Sharing Here, is from When I was about 30 Years Old and the Quality is Not that Great. I'm Positive There Are Plenty Of Other Videos Out There. Not That I Would Remember Being Filmed At All. The Amateur Videos That I Create and will Upload Over Time, on this site, will Get Clearer And Better, Hopefully. I Try to be Imaginative with Them, even the older ones. What's the Fun of Making Sex Videos, If You Can't Be Somewhat Creative with Them. Look I May Be ONE HELL Of A SLUT, probably till the day I pass on. But By No Stretch Of The Imagination, Am I An Idiot! Though I Have Acted Like One, More Than Once. At The Least I Got Some Great FUCKING SEX Out Of Making Them !! Life's Too Short Not to Try or Experience New Things and To Not Laugh At It All, Otherwise We All Would Be Crying. All Of What I Am Doing with The Videos On This Site, Is Practice For Our Two Companies, Vixen Films Limited and V1 Studios. I am Attempting to Learn all Types of New Software, To Accomplish Just That. I Want To Make It Entertaining and I'm Learning Along the Way. Our Goal in the Near Future is to make Very High Quality Adult Films. Using 4 – 5, 4K Cameras. That Is not Like the usual stuff that Is out there Now. I Started Vixen Films Limited, But I am only a Minority Share Holder now, 33% ownership. It is a totally, Women Owned Company. I am now longer the Main Star at Vixen Films, however. So, I Truly Hope You Like The Results. I am working to the best of My Ability !! One of My Newest Projects, Is Working On building up Vixen's Website and My personal one. I Have Secured Several Domains and I hope to have Them up for You soon. Update, I do have both up now, mostly unfinished versions at the moment. So, All Of My Love, to Each and Every One of You, 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞 Amélie P.S. Sorry I Rambled On, It's A Stream Of Consciousness Thing Of Mine. I Ought to Write a FUCKING Book. "1001 And One Slutty Nights" ************* So, What is the Meaning of the Name Amélie? ************* In French, the Meaning of the Name Amélie is: Hard working, Industrious, Striving, Soul and Urge. People With This Name Have a Deep Inner Desire for Love, Companionship And Want to Work with Others to Achieve Peace and Harmony. *************************** My Statistics **************************** *** As I Have Gotten Older, My Weight Goes Up And Down, Oh Well *** ************************* Along with My Tits !! ************************ *************** My Statistics, From My Modeling Account ************* ************************* As of 1.11.2024 ***************************** Birthday: November 7th, 1966 Height: 5' 2"... Weight: 110 LB's ... Bust: 34" or 32"... Cup: C Waist: 24"... Hips: 26"... Dress Size: 2 ... Shoe: US 6, EU 36 Ethnicity: Caucasian ... Skin Color: White ... Eye Color: Grey Hair Length: Very Long ... Hair Color: Brown, Black, Reddish and Grey, now Tattoos: Five Two of the Five Tattoos are in Hebrew, One Says "NICE CUNT" and The Other says "NICE ASS" With a Tribal Arrow pointing to it . I do not think any of You Need Directions to either one of them, at all The oldest Tattoo is a "Star of David" on My Right Arm. I am getting Two more soon. Piercings: Eleven Most of which were done not so long ago. Ten in My Cunt If I don't take them Off, Absolutely No Fucking Me in My Pussy !! One of Them is right through My Clit !! That was tricky to do, But it keeps it Engorged and Super Sensitive. The new one is a Clit Hood Piercing. with an Arrow that Sticks into My Clit. That keeps the Pleasure or Discomfort going. If I have All of the Piercings on under My Clothes. When I walk I have Repetitive Intense Orgasms. That is truly Hard to hold back them in Public. One in My Left Nipple, So Far. *********************** Useful Legal Mumbo Jumbo ********************** ****************** The Digital Millennium Copyright Act ****************** On October Twelfth, 1998, Congress passed the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The law became effective in October 2000 and it has been incorporated into the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the U. S. Code). This Landmark Legislation updated U.S. Copyright Law to meet the demands of the Digital Age and to conform U.S. Law to the requirements of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Treaties that the U.S. signed in 1996. Any Person and/ or Institution and/ or Agent and/ or Agency of any Government or xHamster users including, but not limited to the United States Federal Government, also using and or monitoring this Website, or any of it's Associated or Non Associated Websites. YOU DO NOT have My Permission to Utilize any of My Profile information, nor any of the Content Contained Herein, Including, but Not Limited to My Photos, Videos, Writings, Blogs, Posts and/ or the Comments made about My Photos, Videos, Writings, Blogs, Posts or any other "Picture" Art posted on My profile. You are hereby Notified that You are Strictly Prohibited from Disclosing, Copying, Distributing, Disseminating, or Taking any other Action against Me, with regard to this Profile, and the Contents Herein. The Foregoing Prohibitions Also Apply to Your Employee, Agent, Student or any Persons under Your Direction or Control. The Contents of this Profile are Private, and are Legally Privileged and Confidential Information, and Any Violation of My Personal Privacy is Punishable by Law © ****************** AMELIERACHELMOREAU™ ************************ ** Is Trademarked, So No One Can Steal My Real Name On Any Site *** *** All of My Photos, Videos and Art are Protected by DMCA Pro L2 *** ** My Writings, Blogs, Status and Posts are Dated and Copyrighted © **</div>

Tentang saya

*********************** AMELIERACHELMOREAU™ ************************

**** Is Trademarked, So No One Can Steal My Real Name On Any Site ****

***** All of My Photos, Videos and Art are Protected by DMCA Pro L2 ****

**** My Writings, Blogs, Status and Posts are Dated or Copyrighted © ****

"To Love is Nothing"
"To be Loved is Something"
"But to Love and Be Loved is Everything"

* Hebrew *


I'm Amélie,

My Sister, Esmée, Calls Me "Pookie".

You Can Call Me that If You Want To.
"Amélie" or "Pookie", is just Fine with Me.

Everyone else, I know, calls Me the "SPOILED BRAT" !!
And for Documented Reasons !!

The Made up Arizona License Plate in this Photo, says so !!
Arizona 2023

My Girlfriend for more than 5 Years.
Lia's, 2023 Cadillac Escalade ESV V Series in Arizona.
After My Sex Work near the Phoenix area.
We went out to the Desert areas, to take Erotic Photos.
She has been My Main Squeeze for all of that time.
Next to My Oldest Friend, Gisse's, Husband, Liam.
We have the exact same taste in Autos.

Even Had Time to Play Golf later that Week.
Actually just Played around generally.

If You get My Drift !!

But, all of the Students in My Online Classes, here, must call Me, "Ms. Moreau".

They better call Me that, or Detention with Ms. Moreau, after Class !!
Which every one of Them wants to get !!

I'm a Passionate - Emirati - Florida - Israeli - Kenyan - New York – St. John USVI - Wyoming Porn Star - Ranch Manager - Companion, and All Around Talented Sex Worker.


Now , all of that that is a Mouthful, so to Speak !!

I am on this Site and all of My Others, Simply for the Fact, that I want to Share My Life Story, Express and Show My Creativity, with My Videos and Photos.
Some of Them are from My Modeling work, Later in My life.
I am Not on Any of These Sites to get Rewards, Rankings, Or to Collect Likes, Whatsoever.
And or to be, I hate the Term, an Influencer.
Moreover, I am Super Nerdy.
You will see that throughout My Profile.
So much so, that even during My Earlier Sex Work.
I worked very hard to earn a Degree in Engineering.

I have 4 Homes in the United States
A 100 Acre Farm, which I live, roughly, Half of the Year.
Somewhat close to Cape Vincent, Upstate NY.
In a much Smaller Home than the one in Wyoming or Florida or the USVI.
It is so Small, that You have to go outside of it, just to change Your Mind.
So far up North in the Eastern US.
That Santa Claus knows Me Intimately.
And Please don't tell Mrs. Claus about Us.

Part of My land is on Lake Ontario.

The other Half of the Year I live in My Newest Home, on 50 Acres, near Jackson Hole, Wyoming
House is bit over the top for Me.

I Prefer Smaller Homes, like the one in NY.
But it is not My only over the top Home I own.

But it was a Gift from Someone very Special.
My Girlfriend Gisse's Husband.
The 2 of Them own an Investment Firm outside of NYC.
She might as well Divorce Him and have Him, Marry Me.
We do way more together than She ever Does.
Just like a Husband and Wife.

An Update, as of, 3.1.2024.
Gisse has Divorced Liam.
What a Surprise !!
Fucking Dollar Hungry CUNT.
My Bent is not that much as Her.
But try to learn new things always.

So now, as, predicted.
I am with Liam also.
We have had sex for 40 years together, so it makes sense to be together, most of the time.

I do Love Him to Pieces.

Though I will still get to do exactly what I want to do.

Quoting Veronica from Archie Comics:
"What Do I Care as Long as I Get to Do What I Want Too".

And FUCK Gisse, Big Time !!
Though that I will still Do.
She and I have Earthshattering Sex together !!

She tends more towards Lesbianism than I do.
So be it.

I am going to be in Wyoming for quite awhile.
Due to the fact that I have been trained and have taken over Operations of My current Boyfriends, Large Ranch.
Not to mention, I am now a Wyoming Porn Star (Just Kidding)!!.

A Wyoming Fence

I still have a Home in Nairobi, Kenya.

One in Vero Beach Florida.

And this one in St. John, USVI.

I Use Them Very little, these Days.

I am an Ex Professional Porn Star, but I am still a Professional Model.

I am very much requested, Worldwide, for various Photo Shoots.

Even in My Ancient Decrepitude.
Early in My life to Age 21, I was the One and Only Sex Worker for My Girlfriend, Gisse.
Videos and other forms of Sex Work.

Age 20 and doing My Best in an Old Video.
My Blindfold Thing.
Sense it without Looking, Makes it Outstanding.

I was the obvious choice.
My Looks and Body was the deciding factor for Us.

No overhead at all, for Me to worry about.
I was rewarded well, back then.

We became very well off, back in the 1980's, besides other Ventures We had.
I never, ever, did I do other things I shouldn’t, 99.9% of the time.
Only occasionally on My few days off.

I was not allowed too, by Gisse, at all, to do any of that, anyways, while Working.
I Worked 24/7, for about 16 hours, every Day.
Even Fucking Holidays !!
Pretty Much Zero Sleep.

The Super Tramp I was then.
Not My Finest Hour at All !!

But in the long run.
All of the investments I made, since then, have made Me totally Independent.
And the ones from My Work, later on, added even more so.

I was always Genuine and Passionate, to all I Met.
Any Blowjob I ever gave, I always swallowed it all.
The Nectar of life.
What is the point of doing anything.
If You do not have a complete Passion for it.

And the Desire to Physically Feel it !!

As You see in My Interests, one of them is Kissing.
My first Sexual experience, was when My girlfriend Gisse and I started out practicing Kissing.
Her and I were both Blossoming
For about a Year We held each other close and Kissed each other all of the time.

And also My younger Sister, Esmée, later on.
We had a very close relationship, then, and still do.
Esmée is 4 Years, My junior.

Even Though She is My Junior.
We have a pretty Hardcore relationship.
She loves to do all sorts of things to Me before the fun starts.

This is just one photo of what I endure from Her.

I spend hours on end just staying like that, before I get any relief from Her.
Needles and other things in My nipples are pretty Hardcore and very hard not to cry out.
Hence the Ball Gag to prevent that.
I call Her collection of Gags, The Jawbreakers.
Hard Rubber with Zero give.
She has one that is 3 1/2 inches in diameter and my Jaw feels it for weeks on end.
The worst part is that I am blindfolded and do not know what to expect to happen to My Nipples or other parts of My body.

When She puts needles in I start to shake and then She holds Me in place by grabbing one Nipple extremely hard to hold Me in place.
They get worse as far as the soreness increase rapidly, as I try to move around.

Sometimes She uses Forceps and clamps them so securely, I can't move at all, too much to tolerate, especially with Me trying to struggle around to change My position or pull away.

My nipples feel it all the time now, erect and over sensitive from now on. And I doubt will they will never not be that way.

Makes Me squirm just thinking about the the poor things and what they undergo.
Yikes !!

She makes Me wait like that until She feels that I am submissive enough to do what She wants Me to do to pleasure Her.

Later on Gisse and I started to explore each other’s bodies and inevitably fell in Love and became Sexual partners.
That imprint of Our Kissing and then later on becoming Lovers, lasts to this day.
Part of the reason that I am Bisexual.

Now I have gone back to being a Sex Worker, again.
A Sex Worker for a few Days, a week, or a lot longer.
I purely missed it.
And recently I have again become a Professional Porn Star in Wyoming.
I have not been Professional since 2015.

My Work Vehicle for My Sex Work, In the Eastern Side of the USA mostly.
The Fake License Plate , pretty much says it all about Me !!.

The Pinelands, New Jersey

As a Sex Worker, Men are not just looking entirely for Sex.
They are looking for something else.

They are Either wanting to act out a Fantasy.
Or They are looking for Companionship or They are wanting to be seen with a Well-Dressed Woman.
Or They want Someone to Listen to Them.
Sometimes to have a Companion again after Loss.
What I am Doing is no Different from what 99% percent of American Women are taught to do.

And What Fun I have, making an Outstanding Meal for them, beyond Me as the Main Course, obviously.

I get all sorts of different Perks from Them, Sometimes Gifts and or other Forms of Appropriate Strokes.
And some of the Time, I get some other needs just for Me, fulfilled.
I love the Adventure of it All, and the Constant Change of People and Places and Experiences.

What I see, and the Things that I can Experience, are pure Heaven.
Feeds My Soul and Intoxicates My Mind.
There is no Valuation on that Blessing, at all.

I am also taking on a lot of Modeling Work, recently.
Tons of Requests on My Model account, that I have put off doing.

I still can get quite a lot for it.

It allows Me and My Roommate to do all sorts of Things that We Desire to do independently, with the Salary I can Make.
In This Passion Play, I am the Breadwinner.

Please do not think of Me as Full of Myself.
I am very down to Earth, I try very hard to be just that.

The Pinelands, New Jersey


I started Acting Professionally, in the Porn Films Industry, at age 21 Years old, in France.
Then at age 32 Years old, throughout all of the Middle East.
I Ended My Professional Career, at the time, in the Porn Films Industry, in NY State, at the age of 48 Years old.
27 Years in total as a Porn Star.
All on Top of My Normal Work as an FA and or for SkyCargo Logistics at the time.
Now I am again a Professional Porn Star and adding to that count.

Even though I was a Professional Porn Star at Vixen Films LTD, Israel, later in My Career , and also at many other Studios, before, throughout, France, the Middle East and NY State.
I have ended up doing Stand in Work, These Days, for various Porn Creators.

Outtake Rehearsals, You could call it.

I still command a lot for My Stand in work, even in My Ancient Decrepitude.

Setup work and Physical Sex Demonstrations for a Multitude of Video Producers and Actors.
Mostly Amateurs.

It helps to set up the Scenes to be Filmed for the Producers and Directors.

A Type of Storyboarding for Porn Productions.
I have Actual Sexual Undertakings with the Actors, (Male or Female), for the Cameras or Crew.

Currently, I am on 100+ Porn Sites Worldwide, and counting.
Most are linked back to My main ones automatically by the Site Admins for promotional value.
It is My Professional Work, occasionally, but mostly My Amateur Videos, on them.

I now Edit the Video Tracks, Create Titles, and I am the IT Manager, amongst other Duties, for Vixen Films LTD.
In conjunction with making My Own Amateur Videos on the Side.

Being a Professional Porn Star at one point in My Life, Made, all of the Israeli Citizens, very Proud of Me !!.

I am Made in Israel after all !!

Thanks to all of Them, for Their Support !!.

Eilat, Israel
My only Vacation in quite a long time.

</div><div><div style="text-align: center;">On Some Sites, I Am Still on top as an Amateur Porn Star, for The State of Israel and many of
</div>the Arabic Countries, Africa and even Fucking India !!.
On all of My Social Media Sites, 28 in Total.
I am, More than 80% Popular, In all of those Countries !!.
Even Iran, Palestine, Lebanon, Etc.

Shoutout to Allah, Benjamin, Buddha, David, Jesus, and Kokopelli, Et Al !!

I am planning eventually to become a Religious Studies Teacher, in the UAE and Kenya in the near Future.
The Bible, All Versions, the Quran, and the Torah to start with.
Along with all of the other Scriptures and Religions, I can think of.
It is not that I am at all Religious.
And I am not going to Proselytize at all.

Or even that I feel that I have to Repent.

Yeah, Right !!

Even though I was raised as a Hasidic Jew, mostly in NYC.
I just Love Old History, and Stories, passed down, from all of Mankind.
And how to Interpret Them, Accordingly and as Clearly as Possible.

I am also taking Online Classes to Teach Adobe Applications to Students.

So, as our Wise Sages say,

“Repent one day before You are gone.”

"And what should You do if You don’t know which Day that will be?"

"Repent Today".

I have a lot of Repenting Ahead of Me.

You Think !!

Let Me start My story.

I Was Born In Tel Aviv, Israel, on November, 7th, 1966.

I Grew Up in The New York City Area.

English is My Native Tongue, I Speak and Write, French, Hebrew, Arabic and A Little Hawaiian.
Bear with Me on that last one.

I Am a 100%, Natural Born, Not Of My Making, JEWISH, FUCKING, JEZEBEL.

My Grandmother was the Same.
It is in Our Genes or in Our Jeans.

Like Jezebel,

"By Manipulation and Seduction, I Misled the Saints of God into, Sins of Idolatry and Sexual immorality".

This Photo is towards the End of Summer.
I am 30 Years old and on vacation from My job in France.

NY Late 1996

I was 1st a Flight Attendant, in the beginning, an Instructor later, Then SkyCargo Logistics for Rest of My Career.

From when I was 21 years old, to 41 Years old, My Career was completely in Transport Services.

It was not My first Job, though, Plenty of others in the past, kept Me busy.

But for most of My Twenty Year Career in Transportation, after being an FA.
I eventually became the Head Trouble Shooter for Sky Cargo Logistics.
I worked for 2 Different Carriers, One in France, and the other in the UAE.
Air France/KLM/Martinair and Emirates SkyCargo.
I was offered multiple times My salary to work in the UAE and I took it.

Some of names I was called, by Everyone in My Career Field:

"The Cockpit Queen"
Cockpit, for sure !!

"Juice Kicker"

"A Layover !!"

"An Air Mattress !!"

"R and R" !!

"Screw Scheduled" !!, (Crew Scheduling)

"Turbulence" !!

And so on and so on !!

My answer to everybody, always was, Quoting Mae West,

"It's Going To Be A Bumpy Ride, Please Fasten Your Seat Belt or Belts !!"

Depending on How many People were involved with Me at the time.

************* So, Let's "Kick The Tires And Light The Fires !!" **************

************************** "CUM FLY WITH ME" ***************************

My, Late Model, 2019, TXTAV, Beechcraft, King Air C90 GTx.
Upgraded to Raisbeck Engineering's EPIC Package.

I have an IFR License, A Twin Turbine Engine Rating and a BE 300 Certification for Single Pilot operation in the Beechcraft, King Air C90 GTx.
I also have training at Flight Safety Intl, Wichita, Kansas.
In a Level D Full Flight Simulator for, the Beechcraft C90 GTx.

And training at the TRU Simulations Center for the Pro Line Fusion EFIS, Tampa, Florida.

In the photo, below, I am changing the Display Mode to Airport Approach Procedures, to the right MFD, Multi Function Display, in a Split Screen view, before I land soon.
My Plane has a Collins Aerospace, Pro Line Fusion EFIS, Electronic Flight Instrument System.
3 - 14" Touch Screen Displays.

I am the PIC, Pilot in Command,, in the photo.
I am always that.

Just like I am always, Sexually, on Top !!.

The 14" Displays are virtually interchangeable with each other.
For Reduced Pilot Workload, I upgraded My plane to the IS and S, Thrust Sense Full Regime Auto Throttle System, Mid 2022.
Hands Off Most of the time.

I am over Florida in this Photo.
"Americas Wang"
Viewing the Airport Approach Chart, on My iPad.
Or I am looking at the Photographer, instead.

My main Electronic Flight Bag, is a ForeFlight - Performance Plus, Subscription, made by Boeing.
And I have a Lot of Integrated Addons.

In this next Photo.

I am using the Joystick, with the Cursor Control, on the MKP/FMS, Multi-Function Keypad and Flight Management System, Connected to a Collins Aerospace IRT-2110, Iridium, SATCOM, Satellite Communications, Systems Transceiver.

To display some information, from an In-Flight Data-Link Service.
CPDLC, Controller-Pilot Data Link Communications.
To one of the PFD's/MFD, Primary Flight Displays, or the Multi-Function Display, in Front of Me.

Barefoot and Topless, Nipple Sticking Out !!
You can see the Reflection of the Camera Flash on the Left Display.
One of My favorite Tichel's, a Jewish Headscarf.
A Silk Burberry Constellation Scarf.

I use FANS 1/A, Future Air Navigation Systems.
That is a Datalink System that lets Pilots and Air Traffic Control to communicate directly, using Digital Text Transmissions that appear on My PFD's/MFD.
A later Standard that was developed to the ATC Facilities Notification Protocol.
It Uses CPDLC and ADS-C, Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Contract.
Which sends information, Aircraft position, Altitude, Speed, and Meteorological data, Etc. Automatically to ATC from the aircraft, when ATC has requested it.
Pilots do not have to interact with ADS-C at all.

Certainly not interacting like this !!

Or Maybe They Need or Want too, have Me that Way !!
I am not sure about that, at all.

Data Comm/CPDLC/FANS are components of the FAA’s NextGen plans to upgrade the Nation’s aging Aviation infrastructure. Data Comm is the FAA’s, Federal Aviation Administrations, phrase for Digital, Text-Based Messaging, and it may eventually replace Voice Communication between ATC and Pilots.

You need SATCOM, Satellite Communications, to use it.
Some FMS's, Flight Management Systems, have a little Display above it.

Mine is integrated with the PFD's/MFD.

For instance, Some of the Functions that it can provide is the exchange of Communications and or, Clearance/Information/Request/Messages, that are Non-Urgent, without Verbal Communication Reduces the Probability of Miscommunication.
Other uses for it include, Updated Weather, Wind, Multiple-Waypoint VNAV (Vertical Navigation), Enhanced Selection's on the Screens, Etc.


So, You May Have Formed An Opinion Of Me Already, But I Am Not Entirely Like What I Have Described So Far. At The Homes That I Have, I Clean, Cook, Do Laundry and Take Care Of The Outsides All By Myself.
I Just Don't Like Other People Fucking with My Shit.
You Should See Me Doing My Chores, Wearing A Tichel ( A Jewish Orthodox Head Scarf ).
On My Hands And Knees Cleaning Floors.

Though I Am On My Hands And Knees For Other Reasons Too.

I am Very Industrious And Pay Close Attention To Detail.
I Get Up Every Day At 5 AM, worn out or not from the night before.
Have To Set The Alarm In That Situation.

I Am Even Pretty Handy With Tools. A Lot of The Guys That I Knew and Eventually Had Relations With, Later on, Were Carpenters or Auto Mechanics. When I would Hang Out with Them at Their Work, I Always Felt Like a Fifth Wheel. So, I Asked Them to let Me try it, Or at Least give Me something to Do.

I Am Not Afraid Of Trying New Things And Or Physical Labor. I Have Framed Out Houses, Back Before Nail Guns were Commonly Used, with a Really Heavy, Big Ass, California Framing Hammer. Carried Plywood, 2x4's And Bundles of Shingles Up Ladders, That Seemed to Weigh More Than Me.

I Got Really Greasy and My Knuckles Banged Up, More Than Once, working on All Types of Automobiles.

I Guess in A Way I Was a Tom Boy then.
After Becoming, Sweaty, Smelly, Greasy and Exhausted.
I Absolutely Loved the downtime afterwards on The Jobsites.

"Hey, where is that beer I keep hearing about"

I Was Just Like One of The Guys.
I felt really Needed and Loved Then.

I Got a lot of My ideas about Sex, Just listening to Them talk about what They would do to So And So Person.

I became a Woman very early on, and started having Sex with all of Them.
At the very least, most Days of the Year.
And I Was Smart Enough to Protect Myself from all sorts of Outcomes.

After Listening to all of Their Stories, I Wanted to experience all of It.
So that Is how I began to learn about all about the Different Types of Sexual Preferences out there. Cunnilingus, Doggy Style, Anal Sex, Blow Jobs.
And Really Crude, It Was 1981 After All, Bondage.

I Learned a Hell of a Lot and Still Use Some of The Same Techniques to This Day.
</div><div><div style="text-align: center;">
</div>You most likely would Not Recognize Me at All, If You Saw Me on The Street.
Completely Plain Looking, With My Tichel on, and I Blend Right In or Maybe Stand Out, these Days.

To The Public, I Am Pretty Modest Looking.
Just Like My Earlier Life In A Traditional Orthodox Household.
I am Completely Respectful To Middle Eastern Culture And To My Heritage In That Sense.
Though Nowadays Traditional Orthodox Dress Seems To Be Loosening Up , Somewhat.

I do, these Days, dress a slight bit Fancier.

So, Great Sex is like the Internal Combustion Engine.
Just use the 4 Combustion Cycles.

"Suck, Squeeze, Bang and Blow"

*********************** "SO, LET'S GO FOR A RIDE" ************************

Not This Type of Ride !!

But Automobiles, Silly Wabbits !!

I really Love Mechanical Things.
I guess I am a Gearhead in that sense.

I own 16 Autos in total in the US and One Motorcycle.
The 9 of them, that includes the Motorcycle, below, are in Upstate NY.

In France I had a Ducati 900SS instead of a Car, to get around.
So I got a Hot Rod Bike.

I love to drive insanely fast.

My 2012 Mini Cooper Coupe JCW, My 1st Sports Car. I Still Have It.

Upstate NY 2019

And another, but highly Customized 2012 Mini Cooper Coupe JCW.

Upstate NY 2022

And two More Sports Cars.

A 2020 Lamborghini Aventador LP770-4 SVJ

It was Given to Me, recently, (June 3rd, 2022), for Working My FUCKING ASS Off, physically and literally .
By Someone, (Who shall remain Unnamed), from the Middle East.
I for sure used My Best Shit I that have !!
It was not what I usually do for a living entirely, Sex Work, whatsoever !!

She is used, (Just Like Me), with only 1283 Miles on the Odometer.
I have Way More Mileage than that in total !!
She is still not broken in, like Myself !!.

I Still Have Not Figured Out the Best Way How to Have Sex with Her, Yet.
Though, I am Trying My Absolute Best !!
Maybe a USB Dildo.
The same the Way I Make Love to all of My Computers !!
Or it could be a Double Sided Dildo, And Fuck Her in The Exhaust !!
Onto My Knees again, I shall go
Not Sure what is the best way Yet !!

It is a Totally Passionate, Loving, Lesbian Relationship, for the Two of Us.

3 Vehicles are for use on My Farm in Upstate NY.
2 Older Trucks and One New One.
A 2023 Jeep Gladiator, a 2005 Ford Econoline Van, no window version, and a 1999 Dodge RAM 3500, Cummins Turbodiesel, dually.
Also assorted Tractors, A Turbocharged Kubota M8200, Enclosed, Narrow Wheelbase version, and other vehicles and Implements that You need on a Farm.

My newest Vehicle, in Upstate NY, is a 2023 Cadillac Escalade ESV V-Series.
6.2L Supercharged V8 Engine, 682 HP and 0-60 MPH in 4.3 Seconds.

I will most likely get the Electric Version when it CUM's out !!
Second Year only, after all of the kinks are worked out.

Lots of the Room in the Back, of My Escalade.
You never know that Anyone might want to Fuck Me anywhere We are.

I got a Custom made Bed System, from Space for Dreams, Dresden, Germany.
It even has a Leveling System for when the back Seats are folded down and are unequal in height.

I have 6 Autos in Wyoming and 3 in Kenya, Africa.

In Wyoming I have a 2024 Chevrolet Corvette Z06.

And a Green 2024 ESV V Series Cadillac Escalade.

A Custom 2023 Ford F450 Platinum Super Duty.
It is Cowboy Cuntry in Wyoming, after all, HaHaHa.....!!

A Custom 2024 Jeep Wrangler 392 Hemi.

A Custom 2013 Toyota FJ Cruiser, (XJ10).

My Newest vehicle is a 2022 Custom Ford F650 Super Duty, ("The Earth Mover").

My 3 Land Rovers in Nairobi, Kenya.

A 2022 Land Rover Defender 110.

An Older Defender 110.

And another Older Land Rover Defender 110.

Damn, I have some Big Ass Tits.
Now that I am Looking at these Photos of Me !!
Fucking Zoftig !!
Which means, Having a Full, Rounded figure; Pleasingly Plump, (Typically used for a Woman).
That was then.
I am pretty skinny now.

There were plenty of Spectators during some of these Photo Shoots.
Hey, They got a Free Show !!
Had to change in a Van, a Shitload of Times !!

In those situations I am not Self Conscious or Shy at all.
Unlike My normal Personality.

I always Drive in Lingerie, It is truly Liberating !!
Also I like to Watch all the Other People on the Road, after seeing Me, Crash into Each Other !!
Just Kidding.

So, One of My Absolute Joys.
Is Cooking for Dates, Seafood, French Style.

Which Is One of My Down Right Passions and with a Bottle of Vintage French Champagne, to top it off.

I can Cook or Bake just about anything.

My Favorite Memories are Saturday Date Nights, A Candlelit Dinner and with Me Preparing the meal.

No One Else In The World But Us, Heaven !!

Saturday Date Night in Upstate NY

**************** Now To The Reason Why I Am On Here! *****************

" In early 2007, a group of Anonymous Individuals Decided to Create a New Adult Video Service and xH*mster was Launched on April 2nd, 2007. xH*mster was Envisioned as a Social Network. A Spokesperson said that the Site's Content Organization Scheme was Intended to Allow "People Who Wanted to Chat, Exchange Their Erotic Pictures and Share Their Amateur Videos"

I Am Here To Tell My Uncensored Life Story And To Hear Yours Also.

It My Catharsis For The Crazy Life I Have Led.

As Opposed To some of the Other Sites I Am On, I Think Of It Like a Fbook, or Insta.
Just Without The Puritanical Restrictions.

I Love To Chat, Exchange Erotic Pictures With You And To Share My Amateur Videos !!

I Try My absolute best, to Answer Each And Every Message I Get As Soon As Possible Though It Is Now 500+ A Day.
They Are As Important To Me As They Are to You !

Please Tell Me About Yourself And I Will Tell You More About Myself.
And We Will See Where It Goes From There !!

I like Variety and Think of Myself as Easygoing, Creative, Compassionate and I am Not at all Judgemental.
Unlike some other people on here.
I will Never Judge You.
If Your avatar is a Dick, or You have No Content.
Or Your Profile is Empty or You are New.
We are all Different and have Our own reasons to be on here.

Hell, I collect photos of perfectly beautiful Hairy Pussies from everywhere.

I Love and Cherish Life and I Try to Take Care of Myself, Except Maybe, For a Few Bad Habits.
I Smoke 4, maybe 5, Dunhill's, a Day.
I can also easily finish off a bottle of Vodka, all by Myself at night.
No ice cubes at all.
I like the taste of warm Vodka, next to CUM.
Though I never do any of the above in strict Muslim Countries, ever !!

Please take Note,
That While I Am Not a 24/7 Complete Professional now, I do Like to FUCK a lot.
Because , Well You Know Why !!!!

You May Also Notice that I almost Always Wear Cuffs and a Blindfold, during Sex.

Color coordinated now, always.

I Find It works out to be Ready for Anything !!
I Learned That The Hard Way.

You May Also Notice I Like Getting Masturbated Standing Up.
It Is Really Fucking Hard To Have An Orgasm In That Position.

But I Love A Challenge!

It's The One Pleasure, Sexually, That is All Mine

Next To Anal Sex, I guess, that I Love to have, most recently.

I Have Been Screwed Missionary Style For Way Too Long!!

It is also Why I have to be on Top Sexually.

Even After All Of This Lunacy, I Still Love to Make, And Of Course. Participate In My, now, Amateur Sex Videos.
All of which are made at My Home Studio in Upstate NY.
I end up having to fly Myself there to make some of the newer ones.

I Am Only Showing The Soft Core Ones Here, Sorry.
I Still Always Like To Be Photographed To This Day.
I'm Now 56 years old going backwards.

I Play With All My Media On My Home Built Computer in NY and others Worldwide.

My Setup is:
Two HP Z32x, 32" 4K Dream Color Monitors.
The Same Type Of Monitors They Use To Make Motion Pictures in Hollywood.
I have an overhead 50" 4K Monitor to see how the finished playback looks.
Mounted on an Ergotron Full motion Arm.

My Laptop Is an older HP EliteBook 8760w Workstation, Intel i7 Extreme, with a 17" 1080p Dream Color Screen.
And an old HP ElitePad just for Fun.
To the right is an old HP Z Station with a Xeon Processor.
The one with the Tarantula is the one I built from scratch.
Intel i9 Extreme, 16 core CPU, 128 GB's DDR 5 RAM, 4K GPU with 12 GB's GDDR 5 RAM , Discrete Soundcard with a dedicated DAC for Headphones and 96 TB's of Storage across 16 Hard Drives internally.
The case Is a Red Anodized Aluminum, Lian Li.
I Was Extremely Lucky To Get The Very Last New One On The Market, (only 400 made).
It is a Really Fucking Large Case !!

I Learned How To Build Computer Systems And How To Correctly Operate Them, By An Upper Executive, From a Very Large Chip Manufacturer In Silicon Valley.
Where I Had An Affair With Him, For More Than 3 Years.
I Lived In California, For most of That Time, Just To Be Close To Him.
I Would Have Married Him, If He Had Left His Wife For Me, I Loved Him So Dearly.
One Of A Few People I Ever Have Been With, Where I Was Passionately, In Love.
Agonizingly, Heartbreaking To Deepest Depths Of My Soul.
Another Terrible Period Of My Life. That I Will Never Get Over.

So, One Of My Videos, That I Am Sharing Here, is from When I was about 30 Years Old and the Quality is Not that Great.
I'm Positive There Are Plenty Of Other Videos Out There.
Not That I Would Remember Being Filmed At All.

The Amateur Videos That I Create and will Upload Over Time, on this site, will Get Clearer And Better, Hopefully.
I Try to be Imaginative with Them, even the older ones.
What's the Fun of Making Sex Videos, If You Can't Be Somewhat Creative with Them.

Look I May Be ONE HELL Of A SLUT, probably till the day I pass on.

But By No Stretch Of The Imagination, Am I An Idiot!

Though I Have Acted Like One, More Than Once.

At The Least I Got Some Great FUCKING SEX Out Of Making Them !!

Life's Too Short Not to Try or Experience New Things and To Not Laugh At It All, Otherwise We All Would Be Crying.

All Of What I Am Doing with The Videos On This Site, Is Practice For Our Two Companies, Vixen Films Limited and V1 Studios.
I am Attempting to Learn all Types of New Software, To Accomplish Just That.

I Want To Make It Entertaining and I'm Learning Along the Way.

Our Goal in the Near Future is to make Very High Quality Adult Films.
Using 4 – 5, 4K Cameras.
That Is not Like the usual stuff that Is out there Now.

I Started Vixen Films Limited, But I am only a Minority Share Holder now, 33% ownership.
It is a totally, Women Owned Company.

I am now longer the Main Star at Vixen Films, however.

So, I Truly Hope You Like The Results. I am working to the best of My Ability !!

One of My Newest Projects, Is Working On building up Vixen's Website and My personal one.
I Have Secured Several Domains and I hope to have Them up for You soon.
Update, I do have both up now, mostly unfinished versions at the moment.


All Of My Love, to Each and Every One of You,

Sorry I Rambled On, It's A Stream Of Consciousness Thing Of Mine.

I Ought to Write a FUCKING Book.

"1001 And One Slutty Nights"

************* So, What is the Meaning of the Name Amélie? *************

In French, the Meaning of the Name Amélie is:
Hard working, Industrious, Striving, Soul and Urge.
People With This Name Have a Deep Inner Desire for Love, Companionship And Want to Work with Others to Achieve Peace and Harmony.

*************************** My Statistics ****************************

*** As I Have Gotten Older, My Weight Goes Up And Down, Oh Well ***

************************* Along with My Tits !! ************************

*************** My Statistics, From My Modeling Account *************

************************* As of 1.11.2024 *****************************

Birthday: November 7th, 1966

Height: 5' 2"... Weight: 110 LB's ... Bust: 34" or 32"... Cup: C

Waist: 24"... Hips: 26"... Dress Size: 2 ... Shoe: US 6, EU 36

Ethnicity: Caucasian ... Skin Color: White ... Eye Color: Grey

Hair Length: Very Long ... Hair Color: Brown, Black, Reddish and Grey, now

Tattoos: Five

Two of the Five Tattoos are in Hebrew, One Says "NICE CUNT" and The Other says "NICE ASS" With a Tribal Arrow pointing to it .

I do not think any of You Need Directions to either one of them, at all

The oldest Tattoo is a "Star of David" on My Right Arm.
I am getting Two more soon.

Piercings: Eleven
Most of which were done not so long ago.

Ten in My Cunt

If I don't take them Off, Absolutely No Fucking Me in My Pussy !!
One of Them is right through My Clit !!
That was tricky to do, But it keeps it Engorged and Super Sensitive.

The new one is a Clit Hood Piercing. with an Arrow that Sticks into My Clit.
That keeps the Pleasure or Discomfort going.

If I have All of the Piercings on under My Clothes.
When I walk I have Repetitive Intense Orgasms.
That is truly Hard to hold back them in Public.

One in My Left Nipple, So Far.

*********************** Useful Legal Mumbo Jumbo **********************

****************** The Digital Millennium Copyright Act ******************

On October Twelfth, 1998, Congress passed the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The law became effective in October 2000 and it has been incorporated into the Copyright Act (Title 17 of the U. S. Code). This Landmark Legislation updated U.S. Copyright Law to meet the demands of the Digital Age and to conform U.S. Law to the requirements of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Treaties that the U.S. signed in 1996.
Any Person and/ or Institution and/ or Agent and/ or Agency of any Government or xHamster users including, but not limited to the United States Federal Government, also using and or monitoring this Website, or any of it's Associated or Non Associated Websites. YOU DO NOT have My Permission to Utilize any of My Profile information, nor any of the Content Contained Herein, Including, but Not Limited to My Photos, Videos, Writings, Blogs, Posts and/ or the Comments made about My Photos, Videos, Writings, Blogs, Posts or any other "Picture" Art posted on My profile. You are hereby Notified that You are Strictly Prohibited from Disclosing, Copying, Distributing, Disseminating, or Taking any other Action against Me, with regard to this Profile, and the Contents Herein. The Foregoing Prohibitions Also Apply to Your Employee, Agent, Student or any Persons under Your Direction or Control. The Contents of this Profile are Private, and are Legally Privileged and Confidential Information, and Any Violation of My Personal Privacy is Punishable by Law ©

****************** AMELIERACHELMOREAU™ ************************

** Is Trademarked, So No One Can Steal My Real Name On Any Site ***

*** All of My Photos, Videos and Art are Protected by DMCA Pro L2 ***

** My Writings, Blogs, Status and Posts are Dated and Copyrighted © **</div>
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    5 kaki 61 in (157 cm)

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